Guest presenter – Kathryn Groves of BobKats Quilts, “How to Eat An Elephant”, Kathy is a quiltmaker and certified Quiltworx Instructor.  Kathy has made over 60 Quiltworx quilts and has been teaching quiltmaking for over a decade.   She takes the mystery out of tackling the making of a “Judy (Niemeyer)” quilt.

As a Quiltworx Certified Instructor, Kathy brings more than 30 years as an educator and 20 years as quilter to her classes and workshops. She’s noted for her patience and sense of humor!  Her motto: “No Unfinished Quilts – Take my class and I’m with you till you finish!”
(more about Kathy)


Workshop Date – March 15, 2023 Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location – San Pedro Presbyterian Church, 14900 San Pedro

Bring Your Own Lunch

Twinkle Star is a foundation paper pieced project designed by Judy Niemeyer of Quiltworx.  The quilt finishes at a very manageable 38″ x 38″ — perfect for your table top or to hang on a wall.  In this project you will learn many of the fundamental skills needed to make a LARGER Quiltworx quilt.  From her approach to organizing, to cutting your fabrics for the paper pieced components to a number of specialty features and sewing techniques built into the patterns — anyone and everyone can find success with these patterns.  There is some pre-class preparation to be done so the morning of the workshop we can jump right in to sewing.  And after the class — what we may not be able to address in class — will be available by recorded video that you can watch as you finish your quilt. Kathy will be there from start-to-finish!   Please feel free to reach out to Kathy ( before or after the workshop with any questions!