Maybe I hope for too much from Joanne – all she does is arrange for AHQG to be a premiere group when it comes to focusing on charity projects.  She gets materials, quilts, storage, cutting, holds monthly meetings – with  lunch, contacts and coordinates with local charities to ensure the work done is what is needed and then delivers the product.  And then, of course – she has turned her garage into the Charity fabric warehouse – AND she occasionally gets hubby – Ron, to help.  And all I want is a stinking little report.  Well, I have had it – I will do it myself.  Maybe you can’t tell – but I think Joanne does one bang up job.  Here are some photos from the monthly bee, as members sort fabrics to make matching for size easier.  Notice the photo of 3 lovely ladies posing – the bee is also about making lasting friends.  THANKS JOANNE.