Check in from time to time to see what’s going on concerning various AHQG charity programs.
Working on Charity Projects – April ’15
2015 CHARITY CHALLENGE RULES The member donating the prize money totaling $500.00 wishes to remain anonymous. This challenge is not costing the guild any money. We are using charity material, but would be making quilts from it anyway, just giving you an incentive. Drawing will be held at the December 10th 2015 guild meeting. You do not have to be present to win. There will be no exceptions ALL items must be turned in before or at this meeting. All materials will be supplied, you only have to use your thread, machine, and time. Of course you can always use your own materials. The kits must be made using the quilt instructions given. You may tweak any pattern by changing materials or rearranging the material, but the overall design must be the same. (ie. You can’t take a kit and just sew into squares or strips) If you use your own materials for a quilt, the quilt should be approximately 40 X 40. There is no strict size requirement this time, we just don’t want a lot of 36 X 36 or less quilts. You will be given a ticket to place into the appropriate box. These boxes are what we will draw from. Here is what you need to do to get ONE ticket. $200.00 1 Quilt completed from start to end, including binding. $l50.00 you may do any of the following: 3 quilt tops pieced 3 quilt binding ` 3 quilts quilted $75.00 2 yo yo dolls (only the yo-yo’s) $50.00 5 completed pillow cases $25.00 10 Cancer pillows
April ’14 Meeting – Working on Charity Projects
Charity Update – May ’13 –
We are making the yo yo dolls and dogs with matching quilts (there are pictures on the web site) for the children’s shelter. We may not have a doll or animal for each quilt, but should make enough to make the kids happy. These yo yo dolls are just so much fun to put together and watch them evolve. Hopefully we will be making more yo yo’s at the meetings. As I get the get the circles cut at our Charity Bee.
Our Charity Bee is coming along great. We get together for a couple of hours once a month and cut, sew, talk, and eat. It is an open bee to all our members held at my home.
At the back of the room, I always have quilts to piece, quilt, or bind, books to make quilts to match, chemo “bonnets”, cancer pillows, and sew much more. Come back and see.
Letter from Children’ Shelter – Jan ’13

Turned the quilts over to the Children’s Shelter. They loved them again this year. Thanks ladies beautiful work.
Photos of Charity Quilts – December 2012
November 2012 – from Charity Chair – Joanne Krepps
We are going to add bean bags for the amputees out at SAMMC (the old BAMC) as a charity project. The beans are used for phantom pain and are filled with pinto beans If anyone would like to donate the beans – each pillow takes one lb.
I have a pattern for a bonnet or cap for the cancer society for the women who have hair loss. We will be doing this along with our chirity pillows. I felt the bean bags and bonnets would give us a nice variety of items to wor, on.
The children’s quilts are still a big success and we will keep doing them.
April 2012 Charity Quilts for the San Antonio Children’s Home. Remember, if you want to view any of the galleries as single pictures, click on the ‘Show Picture List’ above the slide show. You get really good control of the slide show and a great full screen option called Pic Lens!
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