Category Archives: Updates

July is HOT – and so is AHQG

It just seems to get hotter and hotter in San Antonio.  Not to be out done by the weather – the Alamo Heritage Quilt Guild once again put on a very top notch – and dare we say HOT meeting. … Continue reading

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June Meeting posts

Thanks to Joanne Krebbs for capturing photos for the June Meeting.  If you’re interested in the Show & Tell – go here.  Then there’s the wonderful trunk show put on by Doris Rice – go here.  And if you’re looking … Continue reading

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2016 Guild Retreat

[Show picture list] Pictures of the fun all had at the 2016 quild retreat and quilts made.

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May is here – and so is your AHQG Update!

The meeting this month was memorable.  First of all, the desserts were FABULOUS!  I should know – I brought one of them.  Man do May birthdays know how to celebrate!  But I digress.  The Show and Tell was its’ usual … Continue reading

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April ’16 Updates

So sorry for not being more timely in the postings this month.  No valid excuses – except maybe age, but I have finally finished this month’s postings and hope you enjoy.  If any of your guild friends have not signed … Continue reading

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Our March Updates

What a great meeting this month!  If you want to relive, revisit, see something up close – or share with a friend – here are you’re updates. March Newsletter – here Ramona is Published! – here March Show & Tell … Continue reading

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February Updates

Well, February has been quite a month. At our meeting, we had an extraordinary Show & Tell event – with the line up stretching through much of the room. Go here to enjoy the display. As for our program, our … Continue reading

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Blog Post – featuring our January Program!

Thanks to Susan Hall for this heads up.  We had a visitor – Doris Rice at our January meeting.  Doris maintains a blog, and posted a wonderful recap of Margie’s January presentation on doing round-robins.  Here’s the link to that … Continue reading

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Photos from December ’15 and January ’16

I was unable to attend either of these months – so much thanks and appreciation goes out to Joanne Krepps for taking the time to capture these Guild moments.  the photos from the Christmas meeting are here.  Our January presentation … Continue reading

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November 2015 Meeting & Auction Photos are posted

What a great meeting!  The photos for our Show & Tell are here and Holly Nelson’s presentation photos are here.  Note:  next meeting – finished charity projects are due!  Also, the meeting will host this year’s Tres Amigas reveal!!  And … Continue reading

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