Category: Updates (Page 6 of 8)

Is the notification working?

I’ve been trying to send out notification that the January postings have been finished.  However, I’m not getting notification.  Hopefully, you guys are getting it.  Let me know.  In case you are just now getting this notice – the updates are in the post below.


January Workshop


Workshop with Denise Green of Holly Dee Quilts of Luling, is set for January 14, 2017.  She will be teaching the “Cactus Flower” pattern using paper foundation piecing.  Very little space is left – so make sure you contact Kathy Smith quickly if you’re interested.

OK – I’ve done IT

As promised at the meeting – I’ve entered everyone’s email that I can gather from last year’s membership list.  That means some of you getting this are no longer members or just plain don’t want any kind of updates, auction news, charity bee stuff, etc.  If that’s true – please just let me know.

Some won’t get this because they weren’t on the membership list last year.  I’ll try to add new members as I become aware.  Everyone is signed up for Updates, AHQG Auction & Uncategorized.  The Uncategorized is necessary as we often forget to put topics on our posts.  Also – will be working with Joanne Krepps on getting a good list for Charity.  If you were already signed up for the Charity blog – you will continue to get any new postings from Joanne.

October 2016 Updates

Our meeting this month brought the feeling of fall along with the thrill of winning (chinese auction). Take a peek at the photos from our meeting here.  When your’e done with that go here to see the pictures of some the members great talents on display at the Show & Tell here.  If you’ve misplaced your newsletter your can find it listed along with the correction page on the Newletter page – here.


September ’16 Updates

Big trip!!!! Be jealous.  Bad part, had to miss the September meeting.  Thanks to Laura Reily we’re able to share the highlights of that meeting.  For the Show & Tell – go here.  Then for the program given by Linda Winters go here.

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