Today I delivered our 175 Cancer pillows. They were excited to receive and just loved them.
Category: Charity Updates (Page 3 of 3)
Stay updated on all the exciting charity projects and events happening within the Guild! Visit this page regularly to see what’s new. To receive updates directly to your inbox, simply open any of the posts below and subscribe. Join us in making a difference—stay informed and get involved in supporting our charitable efforts. We’re always looking for passionate volunteers and members to join our mission!
To all of you signed up for updates, I just wanted you to be aware that there will be no charity bee this month. If all goes well, we’ll continue again next month.
2015 CHARITY CHALLENGE RULES The member donating the prize money totaling $500.00 wishes to remain anonymous. This challenge is not costing the guild any money. We are using charity material, but would be making quilts from it anyway, just giving you an incentive. Drawing will be held at the December 10th 2015 guild meeting. You do not have to be present to win. There will be no exceptions ALL items must be turned in before or at this meeting. All materials will be supplied, you only have to use your thread, machine, and time. Of course you can always use your own materials. The kits must be made using the quilt instructions given. You may tweak any pattern by changing materials or rearranging the material, but the overall design must be the same. (ie. You can’t take a kit and just sew into squares or strips) If you use your own materials for a quilt, the quilt should be approximately 40 X 40. There is no strict size requirement this time, we just don’t want a lot of 36 X 36 or less quilts. You will be given a ticket to place into the appropriate box. These boxes are what we will draw from. Here is what you need to do to get ONE ticket.
$200.00 1 Quilt completed from start to end, including binding.
$l50.00 you may do any of the following: 3 quilt tops pieced 3 quilt binding ` 3 quilts quilted
$75.00 2 yo yo dolls (only the yo-yo’s)
$50.00 5 completed pillow cases
$25.00 10 Cancer pillows
Anyone know where the charity auction is being held this year?